Alexandra Hills State School P&C
Alexandra Hills State School has a proud history of excellence in education. The Alexandra Hills State School P&C coordinate a range of programs that support identified school priorities by working collaboratively with the School Leadership Team.
The school has an active P&C Association. The role of the P&C at Alexandra Hills State School is wide and varied, covering a lot more than the usual fundraising activities traditionally associated with P&C committees. The P&C Executive manage their budget and works with a number of P&C sub-committees including the Uniform Shop and the Tuck Shop to deliver a broad range of services for the benefit of the school and the wider community.
The P&C Executive comprises of the P&C President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary.
The P&C extends a warm welcome to all new parents of the school and invites you to get involved in one or more of the P&C activities.
An Annual General Meeting (AGM) is held in March each year. P&C Meetings are generally held on the first Tuesday of each month with the confirmed date advertised through the P&C Facebook page and the weekly Alexandra Hills State School Newsletter. All parents are very welcome to attend and become active members of the P&C. To become an eligible member with voting rights, an Application for P&C Membership form must be submitted, with all membership applications voted upon at the Annual General Meeting and at the end of each General Meeting.

Volunteers are always welcome in our school. The P&C sub-committees are always looking for volunteers including the Tuckshop and the Uniform Shop or you may wish to be a part of the Events Team, volunteering for one-off events such as the Mother's Day Stall. All parents are very welcome.
Parents whose work commitments keep them from the school, may volunteer through home baking or working behind the scenes for one of our numerous school and community events.
At Alexandra Hills State School, we work collectively to improve learning outcomes for all students. You may like to volunteer in the classroom to assist with reading, literacy block rotations or the in-class opportunities throughout the year.